Different Tree Diseases

One vital component that makes your property appealing is your landscaping. Because of this, you’ve got to keep an eye on the health of each section of it to keep it looking excellent for years to come. Obviously, this will include the trees. Though trees might take less daily maintenance compared to a rose bush or flower bed, you will still have to monitor it for particular indications of diseases.

Here are a couple of common tree diseases that you should look out for. If you notice one or more of these tree diseases, you need to call a tree service San Angelo company as soon as possible.

Tree Diseases

  • Verticillium Wilt Disease

This is a particularly troublesome illness since it attacks the tree at the root. This disease is a soil-borne type. You might not be able to notice it as quickly as some 

make ethereum anonymous other illnesses. It causes tree leaves to become lighter and look disheveled until they eventually fall off and wilt. The fungus linked with the illness can quickly spread through the soil to the rest of your lawn. This makes it extremely contagious and concerning tree diseases. It typically infects stone fruit trees, catalpa, maple, and elm.

  • Sooty Mold Diseases

This illness is a result of mold feeding of insect honeydew. Thus, it’s commonly found in trees that have a lot of insects. You should examine for a powdery and black coating on the leaves and bark. Scorias, limacinula, cladosporium, capnodium, aureobasidium, and antannarella are the most popular form of mold that affects trees. Usually, it infests maple, boxelder, linden, and elm trees.

  • Heart Rot Disease

This is an illness that’s common in trees that shed their leaves every year. This includes birch, beech, dogwood, cedar, and maple trees. It can be an outcome of insect or fire damage, broken branches, and improper pruning. This illness is caused by bacteria and fungus infecting the bark of the tree. You should examine for mushroom or conk bodies growing around the tree if you think your tree has this disease.

  • Cankers

This disease is a growth on the tree’s bark that appears like a canker sore or blister. There are 3 popular types – Phomopsis, Nectria, and Cystospora. Every single one of these types infests various kinds of trees. But, all of them are caused by the same things.

Leaf Diseases

  • Apple Scab

This can be the issue if you notice leaves or fruits with pale leaves or green spots that fall too fast. You will start to see yellow spots in June or May. Also, they will get darker as the illness progresses. This illness is not damaging. However, it can be annoying and you might be frustrated by your tree’s appearance. In general, apple scab affects apple trees, cotoneaster, pear, crabapple, and mountain ash trees.

There are just a couple of the most common diseases that can be found on trees. If you think that your tree has a disease and don’t know how to determine it, you can always contact a professional arborist for help.

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